Endometrial Ablation Specialist

Advanced Healthcare for Women

OB/GYNs located in La Grange Highlands, IL

At Advanced Healthcare for Women, located in La Grange Highlands, Illinois, Dr. Scott Multack offers a five minute procedure that can help lighten and in some cases stop heavy bleeding. If your bleeding is interfering with your daily activities, you do not have to live with it anymore. Call Dr. Multack now and schedule your appointment.

Endometrial Ablation Q & A

What is endometrial ablation?

Endometrial ablation is a procedure that destroys the endometrium, or the uterine lining. The purpose of endometrial ablation is to reduce abnormal bleeding in women with heavy periods. In some women, endometrial ablation stops bleeding completely.

No incision is required for endometrial ablation. Dr. Multack inserts slender tools through the opening between your vagina and uterus to ablate the endometrium. Dr. Multack may use different techniques to perform ablation through:

  • Heat
  • Freezing
  • Radiofrequency
  • Microwave energy
  • Minimally invasive surgery

My periods are heavy. Is endometrial ablation right for me?

Excessive menstrual bleeding is commonly defined as soaking a pad or tampon every two hours or less, periods that last longer than eight days, or anemia that develops from menstruation blood loss. If you are concerned about your abnormal blood loss, you can discuss treatment options with Dr. Multack.

Dr. Multack will usually start with medication, especially birth control, for heavy bleeding first. If medication doesn’t work, then you might be a candidate for ablation. Dr. Multack might advise against endometrial ablation if you have had a recent pregnancy, recent infection, endometrial hyperplasia, or cancer in the uterus. Postmenopausal women are also not good candidates for ablation.

If you still want to have children, endometrial ablation might not be right for you. Although pregnancy is possible after ablation, miscarriage and other risks are very high. In fact, birth control use or sterilization are recommended after endometrial ablation until menopause to prevent pregnancy.

What risks are involved in endometrial ablation?

Although complications are rare, some women experience pain, bleeding, or infection after the procedure. When hot or cold treatments are used, damage to neighboring organs can occur. Uterine wall punctures are possible any time a doctor uses surgical instruments, but da Vinci Surgery helps minimize that risk. As mentioned above, your future fertilization will be compromised, so it’s important to discuss family planning before deciding on ablation.

Side effects from the procedure tend to be minor. Cramping is common for a few days after endometrial ablation. Women sometimes experience nausea, frequent urination, and discharge following the procedure as well.

If you are considering endometrial ablation, schedule an appointment with Dr. Multack today.